Happy Mothers Day...

I started this blog a year ago on Mothers Day (ish) and it feels fitting to somehow come back full circle now.

This blog was intended to be about parenting. Particularly- parenting from a "two mommy" perspective. Those kinds of things don't exist in a really meaningful way. At least not for me.

But it evolved into a means for me to work out what has been in my head- and my heart. And a wee bit about the kid. So the title kinda fits- but not in the way that I originally planned.

It has been a whirlwind of a couple of years. I won't go into details- I've already done that. And I've come out the other side. And then some. 

I've moved through lots of stuff- grief, anger, joy, insecurity, pure silliness and wild laughter- to a place that I can only describe as abundance and gratitude. Abundance in my heart and my space in this life, and gratitude that I have had this amazing opportunity to move through the hardest that life has had to offer and am still standing and looking forward to whatever is next. And grateful that I know now that I am stronger than I have ever been. And less lonely. Partially because I have embraced the love from my friends, and partially because I finally have found a pretty darn good BFF- me. 

And I'm so very grateful for my daughter. I'm constantly in awe of her. She is strong and confident and just a little bit sassy. And she's getting ready to start the second grade next fall. And she still has some stuff to learn. But hell, don't we all?

As I try to find the words to really express what I  know to be true, and what I want my daughter to know as she moves through this clusterfuck of a life, I keep coming back to the words of Sarah Kay- a spoken word poet. She says it better than I ever could- so I will let her. 

"B" by Sarah Kay
If I should have a daughter,
instead of "mom," she's gonna call me "Point B."
Because that way she knows no matter what happens
at least she can always find her way to me.

And I'm going to paint the solar systems on the backs of her hands.
So that she has to learn the entire universe before she can say
"Oh, I know that like the back of my hand."

And she's gonna learn that this life will hit you.
In the face.
Wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach.
But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs
how much they like the taste of air.

There is hurt here
that cannot be fixed
by band-aids or poetry.

So the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn't coming,
I'll make sure she knows she doesn't have to wear the cape
all by herself.

Cause no matter how wide you stretch your fingers,
your hands will always be too small to catch 
all the pain you want to heal.

Believe me.

I've tried.

"And, baby," I'll tell her,
"Don't keep your nose up in the air like that.
I know that trick;
I've done it a million times.

You're just smelling for smoke,
so you can follow the trail back to a burning house,
so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire,
to see if you can save him.

Or else,
find the boy who lit the fire in the first place 
to see if you can change him."

But I know she will anyway,
so, instead, I'll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rain boots nearby.

Because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can't fix.

Okay...there's a few heartbreaks that chocolate can't fix,
but that's what the rain boots are for.

Because rain will wash away everything,
if you let it.

I want her
to look at the world
through the underside of a glass bottom boat.

To look with a microscope at the galaxies that exist
on the pinpoint of a human mind.

that's the way my mom taught me.

That there'll be days like this.
There'll be days like this my mama said.

When you open your hands to catch
and wind up with only blisters and bruises.

When you step out of the phone booth and try to fly
and the very people you want to save
are the ones standing on your cape.

When your boots will fill with rain,
and you'll be up to your knees in disappointment,
and those are the very days you have all the more reason to say "Thank You."
Cause there's nothing more beautiful
than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline
no matter how many times it's sent away.

You will put the wind in winsome...lose some.

You will put the star in starting over. And over.

And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute
make sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life.

And, yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting, I am
pretty damn naive. 

But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar.

It can crumble so easily but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out
and taste it.

"Baby," I'll tell her,
"Remember your mama is a worrier
and your papa is a warrior. 

And you are the girl with small hands and big eyes
who never stops asking for more."

"Remember that good things come in threes
and...so do bad things."

And, "Always apologize when you've done something wrong.

But don't you ever apologize for the way your eyes
refuse to stop shining.

Your voice is small
but don't ever stop singing."

And when they finally hand you heartache,
when they slip war and hatred under your door, 
and offer you hand outs on street corners
of cynicism and defeat,
you tell them that they
really oughtta meet
your mother.

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Mother's Day 2013

Of course, this year Mother's Day was the best it has ever been for me, just because Emily was in my arms to share it with. Same with my birthday, which was the day before.

I was happy both days, for the most part. But both days were still missing something....someone.

Several people wished me a Happy Mother's Day, commenting on how it was my first one but, of course, it isn't. My first Mother's Day was in 2010 when I was pregnant with Jacob. I was already a Mom, already caring for a baby with every single breath I took. He didn't need to be in my arms for the day to be more special, I was carrying him constantly. My dream of having a baby was coming true.

Mother's Day 2011 obviously was not the best. By then we had lost Jacob, August and Cub. Mother's Day 2012 was better as I was pregnant with Emily. So although Madeline and Emma were added to the babies we lost, I was 25 weeks pregnant with Emily and was hopeful (and scared, but overall hopeful and a lot happier).

So it rolls around this year. I wasn't looking forward to it, but I wasn't dreading it either. May isn't that great of a month for me anymore anyway. I bled with Jacob on my birthday, I found out he died on May 31 and June 1st is just around the corner. No babyloss Mom referred to it as my first Mother's Day since they know, but most other people did. I felt his absence, their absence, strongly and I was more emotional with tears just under the surface at different times throughout the day. I wanted to have a nice long visit with Jacob in the garden, but the weather was awful and Emily wasn't feeling well so I just ran out for a quick visit.

I am just grateful for everyday with this girl.

Mother's Day
                     2012               2013

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Happy Mother's Day

Okay....how GOR.GE.OUS is this card!!!!

LOVE! Ange created this card using our Daffodils, Life is Good and Mother's Flowers stamp sets!
I really have nothing else to say...GORGEOUS is enough! :)

Have a great day!
ReadmoreHappy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's day to everyone!  I can't believe I am going to be the mother of 2 soon!  It really seems unreal!  I know I am pregnant, I know we are having another girl, but I haven't really thought about it much.  Like it's not really real until she is born.  I don't think I can wrap my brain around that idea yet.  Going from 1 to 2 kids is going to rock my world!  Brynn was such an easy baby I am pretty sure we are going to get a run for our money with this next one.

Thinking about my own mother I only hope I can be half the mom she was.  She really is such a selfless person and gives everything she has to her children.  She has made so many sacrifices.  I have much to learn but hope my children will feel my love and know I will drop anything to make them happy.

Brynn had a fever on Mother's day so we kept her home from church.  Even on Mother's day duty calls....haha.  Russ made me a very sweet video of Brynn and I that I love!  We visited family and gave our moms a few gifts.  With lots of sewing help from Brooke I made an apron for my mom that I love!  Turned out so cute!  All the grand-kids hand prints are on it.  I just love it. 

On Monday my mom took all her girls and her mom out for dinner at Paradise Bakery and shopping at Charming Charlies (cutest place ever!)  I may or may not have spent more than the gift card she gave me.  =-)  It was such a great girls night out!  We celebrated Mother's Day by leaving the kids at home!  haha!

I remember specifically thinking after having Brynn that I enjoyed being a mom more than I thought.  Not that I thought I would not like it but your children joys are your joys.  They make you laugh and entertain you, and snuggle you!  It's kind of like having a puppy at first.  haha, but a very smart fast growing puppy!  I love being Brynn's mom and she is the greatest daughter ever.  She is independent, strong willed, stubborn, smart, curious, active, a dancing queen, happy and silly.  She loves her mommy more than her daddy and is obsessed with books.  She likes to feed Domino, ride her tricycle, draw with chalk, play in the water, put mommy's chapstick on, get into everything, baths and being naked, jumping in the lovesack, watching The Lorax, eating fruit snacks and crackers, playing with her baby dolls, and she loves nursery.  She is a good girl and we can't wait to give her a sister she can play with!

I added a funny crying photo of Brynn....Motherhood at it's finest right?  She just learned how to say no today.  Oh geeezzzzz......

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